About me

Who am I and why did I train as an iheart facilitator?

I’m an ex P.R marketeer who retrained in areas of psychology including counselling skills, Neuro Linguistic Programming, Clinical Hypnotherapy and coaching. Why? Because the wheels fell off for me (I was bullied at work) and after having my daughter I wanted to educate and heal myself. Over time, this developed into a new vocation - helping other people to get unstuck.

I live near Winchester, Hampshire with my husband Chris and 11 year old daughter, Elodie.  We have a bonkers Romanian rescue dog called pumpkin.

Why am I now working with iheart as a resilience and wellbeing facilitator?

"There comes a point where we need to stop just pulling people out of the river. We need to go upstream and find out why they’re falling in." Archbishop Desmond Tutu

Do you really know why you think, feel and behave the way you do? Do you have an instruction manual on how your psychological system works to help you to navigate life more effectively?  An instruction manual that helps you to uncover your natural resilience and wellbeing when it gets really, really covered up?

Nope, I didn’t either.

Most people don’t look at their mental health or how their mind works until they hit problems.  Until it feels like they’re really stuck and they have a problem to fix. We know children’s mental health is on a downward trajectory and our current interventions are not working.  But, as a society, we’re not looking at prevention, we’re not looking at educating children about what’s really going on in their minds.

The iheart programme is like building solid mental health foundations for life

If only I’d known then what I know now.  If only I’d GROWN UP understanding how things really work, that I’m not broken or different from anyone else and that I have everything I need to handle life inside of me.  If only I’d had this wellbeing and resilience training, my instruction manual, as a young person.  

I know things would have been very different. Not perfect and not without ups, downs and challenges, but different.  I would have been better equipped to weather those choppy seas and the odd hurricane.  I would’ve been able to see why I was struggling, what was really going on in my psychological system, and most importantly how I would move through it rather than getting stuck.  

If you’re a parent concerned about your young person’s wellbeing, I hear you.  I see it from the perspective of a parent but also from the perspective of a child who really, really struggled.

Things that happened to me when I was a kid.

  • My parents acrimoniously separated when I was 10
  • By the time I was 12 I had stopped going to school
  • I became withdrawn, I was prescribed antidepressants and school refusal lasted a year
  • I had counselling but the only thing that go me back in class was shock tactics and fear
  • This did not deal help me with the underlying issues

Eventually I went to uni, got a good job, moved to London, life was fun.  But, the issues resurfaced, I was not equipped with the solid mental health foundations, knowledge and understanding I needed to handle life effectively…and, well you know the rest.

I get it from both sides of the coin from childhood to adulthood.  I have lived experience.

I’m passionate about helping young people understand how things really work so they don’t fall into the river…or if they do fall in or have fallen in, they know they can get themselves back out again.

iheart really is game changing - it’s turning how we look at mental health on its head. Get in touch for an informal chat.